G-Thoughts #3 Passion

Hey what's going on everybody and welcome back to G-Thoughts! This is just a place where I can speak my truth, talk about my opinions and really talk about certain words that bring value to my life and hopefully yours and today's word is…..

Passion! What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Passion! Now finding your passion isn't exactly the easiest thing to do in life! One thing I have learned with finding your passion over the years is to start with something you are naturally good at! 

Now for me, anyone and everyone that knows me knows that Grant loves to TALK! Like you can't shut this brother up, but talking comes very natural to me and I've learned over the years that my gift is making people laugh and really making them feel good about themselves to the point where they can be their authentic selves around others! (sorry about the run on sentence but as you can see… I love to talk haha :D)

 So I encourage you today to find something that you're natural at, something that you're good at and try to do it as much as possible and don't be afraid to do it for free! Yes that's right I said for FREE, because once you practice, put in the work and become great at something; greatness attracts opportunities and money! 

You don’t have to be great to start; but you do have to start to be great!

Step into your power and let's be greater than we were yesterday!




G-Thoughts #4 Energy


G-Thoughts #2 Patience